Touchpad Controller
Flexible, intuitive controls to automate your process
Our easy-to-use Touchpad Controller offers effortless precision while allowing you to create custom recipes to ensure your process is completed the same way every time.
Compatible with both SCR and switchmode rectifiers, our Touchpad Controller offers an intuitive display with a straightforward view of status indications, controller setup, and special operating modes. Digital controls allow for precise adjustments to voltage and current set-points, ramping time and rate, dwell time, pulse duration, cycle time, and amp-hour set-points.
This controller comes built into a standard remote console, allowing for flexible controller placement. Custom control placement options are available upon request to accommodate other location needs. The Touchpad Controller can also be retrofitted to existing Dynapower power supplies or SCR units from other manufacturers.
- Alphanumeric display for status indications, setup, and special operating modes
- 3 Digit LED display for output voltage
- 5 Digit LED display for output current
- Precision set-point adjust buttons
- Digital display for set-point adjust
- Voltage set-point adjust
- Current set-point adjust
- Ramp rate adjust
- Dwell timer adjust
- Amp-hour set-point adjust
- Amp-hour totalizer with 20-digit resolution
- Cycle timer adjust
- Pulse adjust
- Reciple storage
- Store up to 12 multi-step programs
- Each program contains up to 8 steps that include ramp, dwell, pulse, amp-hour, and cycle functions
- Selectable time-base of milliseconds, seconds, minutes, or hours for all timers
- Concurrently running operating modes to allow for complex waveforms
- Programs and setpoints automatically restored upon power-up
- End of cycle alarms
- Fault indication
- Polarity reversal function
- RS485 serial interface with Modbus RTU protocol
- Ethernet interface with Modbus TCP protocol

Let’s power up together
Take the first step toward a higher level of performance and reliability. Call us at 1 (802) 860-7200 or click the link below to schedule an appointment today.