DPS-500 DC to DC Converter
Maximize PV generation and revenue with DC coupled solar plus storage

This bi-directional 500kW DC/DC converter is designed to interface battery energy storage with new and existing 1000V and 1500V central inverter-based PV power plants.
The DPS-500 is ideal for utility scale solar plus storage installations, offering advanced features including automated clipping recapture and low voltage harvesting that increase project revenues, while its DC coupled architecture reduces installation and regulatory costs.
This DC to DC converter can operate in voltage, current, and power control modes, and is capable of on-the-fly switching between modes. Designed to be easily scaled, any combination of up to six units can be paralleled together to create building blocks of up to 3MW of storage power.
The DPS-500 can be supplied as a standalone product for integration with customer-supplied battery storage.
System Advantages
Highest efficiency
Augmentation ready
Qualify for tax credits
Increased revenue potential through use cases only possible with DC-coupled architecture
Lower CAPEX, installation, and regulatory costs than AC-coupled energy storage
Key Technologies
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Clipping Recapture
Maximize Value of PV Generated Energy
Due to high DC/AC inverter loading ratios typical with utility-scale PV, energy is lost when PV output exceeds the PV inverter peak rating, resulting in lost revenues. With DC-coupled battery storage attached to the array, the batteries can be charged with this excess PV output that would otherwise be clipped by the PV inverter. The stored energy can then be fed into the grid at the appropriate time, maximizing production and revenues from the PV generation asset. The ability to capture clipped DC output is only possible using a DC-coupled storage system.
Low Voltage Harvesting
Make Money On The Edges
PV inverters typically require a minimum ‘wake up’ threshold DC bus voltage to operate, resulting in lost energy in the morning and evening or during periods of cloud coverage when voltage on the array is below the PV inverter ’wake up’ threshold. Adding DC-coupled energy storage allows for the capture of this generated energy from the margins. This capability is only available with a DC-DC converter that has voltage source capability.
Curtailment & Outage Recapture
Continuous Uptime and Revenue Generation
With DC-coupled energy storage, the energy storage system can operate and maintain the DC bus voltage when the PV inverter is offline for scheduled or unplanned outages, allowing energy from the array to flow to the batteries and ensuring energy can be harvested for later use. The same uptime capabilities apply when a large utility- scale array is curtailed by the ISO or utility when there is overall excess production on the grid. With a DC-coupled energy storage system, energy production can continue with energy being stored and available for discharge when curtailment ends.
Energy Time Shifting
Utilize Generated PV Energy When Its Value is Highest
Energy Storage allows bulk energy shifting of solar generation to take advantage of higher PPA rates in peak periods, or to allow utilities to address daily peak demand that falls outside periods of solar generation.
Ramp Rate Control
Modulate Power for Continuous Grid Connection
Ramp rate control is often required by utilities and ISOs for PV and wind systems to mitigate the impact of a sudden injection of power onto the grid or a sudden loss of generation due to the intermittent nature of these generation sources. A storage system coupled with PV can monitor PV inverter output and inject or consume power to ensure the net output remains within the ramp requirements allowing for continuous energy injection into the grid. Additionally, with this ramp rate control benefit, energy otherwise lost when a PV inverter would self-regulate during a ramp up can be stored for later use.
System Overview
Maximum Power
- 500kW (@1000VDC)
- 600kW (@1200-1500VDC)
Max Current
- +/-500A
DC Input Voltage Range
- 100-1500VDC (Battery Port)
- 100-1500VDC (PV Port)
Certifications & Standards Compliance
- UL 1741
- CSA C22.2 #107.1
- UL / IEC 62109-1
- IEC / EN 61000-6-4
- IEC / EN 61000-6-2
- CISPR 11 / EN 55011
- FCC Part 15 Class A
- IEEE Std C37.90.2
- Advanced Operating Modes for Clipping Recapture, Curtailment Recapture, Energy Time Shifting, Low Voltage Harvesting and Ramp Rate Control
- Integrated Battery Overvoltage Protection
- DC Contactor and Precharge on Battery Port Included
- Wide DC Input Voltage Range for Battery and PV
- Parallel up to 6 DPS-500 together for flexible building blocks up to 3MW
- Solar Plus Storage
- Green Hydrogen Production
- Augmentation for AC- or DC-coupled systems
- Microgrids (Reverse DC-Coupling)
Downloads & Links
Want to learn more about the DPS-500 DC/DC converter? Check out our product information below for technical specifications and other essential product information.

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